Why Split? This quote came from the PC(USA) website: "Much of the displeasure voiced by New Wineskins congregations centers around a belief that the PC(USA) has become consumed with institutional preservation and lost sight of doctrinal integrity."
Why this website? This list is show the size of the problem, as many Churches, Sessions, all the way up to OGA, want to deny there is a problem, and to cover it up. The use FUD (fear, uncertainty, doubt), by calling those who want to leave, names.
Usage: This information, including formatting/html,..., may be used by other sites, without limit. In Fact, I hope somebody would take over, with more time on their hands.BTW: I looked at EOP's yearly church prayer list, Kirk of the Hills is missing, so I guess that makes it official, EOP no longer considers them part of the presbytery. I am ashamed by the actions of my Presbytery (EOP) against Kirk. I have considered renouncing my Elder vows, as a friend at our mother church has done.