The Tri-Cities Personal News and Media Center ( has an article on a film that examines the Institute on Religion and Democracy (IRD). It
appears to be an attack piece. The producer had already decided that IRD is bad,
before the film was made. The review, while not meaning to, shows that the film just drips with bias, anger, and closed mindedness.
The IRD has a detailed and fact filed
response on their web page. At least the film has the integrity to post
a link back at the IRD review.
Article: IRD: Renewal or Ruin?
The basic premise stated is that IRD seeks to affect three denominations,
- United Methodist Church
- Episcopal Church
- Move toward rigid doctrine
- Silence their social witness
- Undermine the witness of the church by fueling controversy to its own benefit.
In a way, I agree with this assessment. We believe that:
- The essential doctrines should not change.
- Much of the so-called social witness, is politics in disguise.
- The false witness of the church is heresy.
- The controversy is to HIS glory.
As a member of the Presbyterian Action Committee for Faith and Freecom of the Institute on Religion and Democracy I found the video ridiculous and not worthy of a response. All it was was a series of vignettes of people giving their biased opinions without any real facts. Those who push a progressive social agenda usually hate those who disagree with them.
Amen Brother! Amen!
I almost did not post but felt I must for integrity unlike most liberal news sites, including PCUSA news.
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